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Who we are?

In our company, which mainly sells Marble, Porcelain, Granite and Quartz stones, we are the project solution partner in your dream home from your kitchen to your bathroom or in your building, workplace, office that adds prestige to you.

With our admiration for the millions of years of adventure of marble, aesthetic and value-added applications are proud of introducing our resources to the world. We have the desire and belief to serve the sector for many more years with the same spirit.

Marble Market

Our Natural Stones and Granites

Our company, which is the leader in the marble sector, stands out with its customer satisfaction and quality-oriented works. Since the day we were founded, we have been trying to bring a new breath to the world of design with the naturalness and elegance of marble.

Our products, which we produce using marble in its most natural form, continue to add unlimited elegance to every space in your home, workplace and all your private spaces. By offering fashionable innovative solutions, we follow trends closely and provide support to our customers with our experts.

Our Quartz and Porcelain

Quartz is actually a naturally occurring hard mineral, and if used alone, it can create a great strength and quality. However, since it cannot be used alone, a synthetic structure is obtained with many different additives in the production of quartz countertops. While obtaining this structure, it is a great advantage that a pore-free result is obtained.

Porcelain countertop is the most durable material in the world, consisting of clay at a temperature of 2000°C, whose production was accelerated especially during the pandemic, and with visuals (stone, marble, concrete, textured) on its upper surface. It is a long-term product that is fireproof, scratch-proof, resistant to point impacts, and not deformed by all kinds of alkali and basic effects, especially since it was developed for kitchen countertops.



Get In Touch With Us Today

Welcome to Sagen, a modern platform perfect for showcasing your properties.

+585 889 996 96 [email protected] 184 Main Collins Street Victoria
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